Monthly Archives: November 2010

Do It Your Own F&*@$ing Self

When we moved to New York, Soren’s parents were nice enough to give us a dining room set that once belonged to Soren’s grandparents. The table is truly beautiful, but the fabric on the chairs was a throwback to an earlier era — a simpler time when brown and orange stripes were hip.

Around the same time that we moved to New York, I started reading Betty Homemaker blogs. “Why not try switching up the fabric on your dining room chairs?” they asked. At the time, I didn’t have a good answer. But now I am older and wiser. So I’ll tell you why not. It’s flipping difficult.

In the world of upholstery, dining room chairs are considered baby stuff. They’re supposed to be the easiest project one can tackle. DIY blogs will lull you into thinking that this task is so simple even a four-year-old with one arm and ADHD could do it. They’ll make you believe that the chairs, given the opportunity, will nearly reupholster themselves. I’m here to tell you this is a lie. The process is difficult. But it isn’t impossible. For those of you who haven’t been completely deterred by this intro, let me lay out the steps: Continue reading


Filed under DIY, upholstery